Treatment for Carpenter Bees

Due to the damage and behavior of the carpenter bees, the treatment varies depending on the size of the galleries and damaged wood.  Carpenter bees are solitary; they lay an egg with food and seal each capsule at an angle from the main entrance.  We will treat the infested area and if accessible can close the main entry points.  We will also treat the wood area to prevent and limit future problems. 

Treatment of wasp/bee nests

Treatment of wasps, hornets and yellow jackets depends on the location of the nest and can involve dusting the nest and/or applying a broadcast spray to the exterior of the nest attached to a building.  Then a dust treatment in the wall void they may have entered.  These conditions makes the price variable upon inspection.  In some instances a bee suit may be needed to treat the infestation. The treated nest should remain up for a couple of days due to bees/wasps returning to the nest to be exposed to the treatment and not building a new nest.  Contact us now for treatment and removal. 

There are thousands of bee and wasp species in the United States, but just a few are common in the Mid Hudson region.  Below is an illustration of some major types. 

​The Bug Buster's

Bustin' Bugs is our Business

Honey Bees: This type of Bee is a true “bee”.  They can develop into extremely large nests, and may swarm.  We generally recommend attempting to contact a bee keeper to smoke the nest and move it if possible, due to the benefits of this bee.

Yellow Jackets: are actually not a bee, they are a wasp. They are about 12mm in size and are an aggressive stinging wasp.  They can sting repeatedly.  The workers are confused with Honey bees, but do not have dense brown hair, do not carry pollen.  They build nests against structures (invading through wall cavities and sometimes entering homes.  They also build nests underground.  They sometimes are referred to as “meat bees” due to them landing on meat and food at picnics or outdoor events. 

Hornets: This large species of wasp can grow to over an inch and a half long. They can come in varying colors and can be confused with yellow jackets, but have noticeably larger heads.  They are typically deep yellow with black striping and long, thin wings.

Mud Daubers: These shiny blue or yellow wasps have elegant inch-long bodies. They are generally not aggressive, but their nests can be an unsightly nuisance. The nests often look like mud tubes running up and down the foundation or siding. 

Carpenter Bees: These bees resemble a Bumblebee. They build their nests by burrowing into wood and building galleries into the wood.  They make 3/8” holes in the wood and can make a buzz saw like sound as they vibrate their bodies to scrape their mandibles against the wood to make the nests.